[Translation of original post]
In the course of time Chris Skinner has worked his way up to become the uber-blogger of the European payments world. Also today an interesting article: Over half of corporates have no SEPA idea:

It’s interesting that we’re now less than a year away from SEPA’s end date for the Eurozone and so people are saying to me that SEPA doesn’t matter so much as a discussion point anymore. This is because the banks have got it nailed.
Really? What about the corporate customers of the banks? They also need to be compliant, but survey after survey demonstrates that they will not be.

Earlier, in early February this year, Finextra came with such a suggestion as well. Finextra: Europe’s businesses not prepared for looming SEPA deadline.Finextra: Europe's businesses not prepared for looming SEPA deadline.

SEPAFor corporates implementing SEPA themselves these observations will not come as a surprise. I’ve even heard of several corporates as they stand for the choice to allocate scarce (IT) resources to reduce the SEPA implementation in priority because they anticipate postponement of the February 2014 deadline. For they know how much effort it takes to themselves and their peers but also to see how many companies are not having their house in order, or some that have not even started yet.

It may not actually be said, but there must happen a miracle for all companies to become SEPA-ready in the Netherlands in time. But wonders do not exist. The Dutch National Bank (DNB) remains strongly commited to the February 2014 deadline.

[Original post]
SEPA switch om in feb 2014? Wonderen bestaan niet.

Chris Skinner heeft zich in de loop van de tijd tot de uberblogger van de Europese payments wereld opgewerkt. Ook vandaag weer een interessant artikel: Over half of corporates have no SEPA idea:

It’s interesting that we’re now less than a year away from SEPA’s end date for the Eurozone and so people are saying to me that SEPA doesn’t matter so much as a discussion point anymore. This is because the banks have got it nailed.
Really? What about the corporate customers of the banks? They also need to be compliant, but survey after survey demonstrates that they will not be.

Eerder, begin februari jl., kwam Finextra ook met een dergelijk geluid. Finextra: Europe's businesses not prepared for looming Sepa deadline.

Voor mensen die bij corporates rondlopen om SEPA te implementeren komen deze waarnemingen niet als een verrassing. Ik heb zelfs al van verscheidene corporates gehoord die als ze voor de keuze staan om de schaarse (IT) resources te alloceren de SEPA-implementatie in prioriteit verlagen omdat ze anticiperen op uitstel van de februari 2014 deadline; omdat ze weten hoeveel inspanning het kost bij zich zelf en hun branchegenoten maar ook zien hoeveel bedrijven nog niet op orde zijn, of zelfs nog niet begonnen.

Het mag eigenlijk niet gezegd worden, maar er moet een wonder gebeuren voor SEPA ready in Nederland. Maar ja, wonderen bestaan helaas niet. De DNB blijft vooralsnog nadrukkelijk vasthouden aan de februari 2014 deadline.

For further reading on SEPA at Red Planet Dust:

the RPD Sepa Files