In yesterdays post I indicated that I have to overcome myself if I want to create the foundations for my theory on “collaborability” and to translate this theory to practical use for me, my business and to others. This mainly is asking for a mental step where I will just have to side step the idea that my understanding is merely a mental illusion and that my mind might be to limited and my knowledge to small and fragmented for this endeavour.

Every model is as strong as its assumptions (and its underlying relations and reasoning) and let others be the ones to challenge them! As long as my model, annex theory, is better able to describe the related parts of reality then previous models I have reached my goal! Others can then contribute and ultimately build on the fabric of thoughts being initially postulated by me. At this moment a song by Mondo Leone “Het ei van Leon” (Translation: The egg of Leon. Paraphrasing the egg of Columbus) is resonating in my head. He is singing: “No body is original… Have I ever had a truly original thought?” Am I truly having an original thought with my take on collaborability? I am getting uncomfortable again…

Reading up on the background material related to the newspaper article referred to in yesterday’s post I was directed to the website of Psychological Science. Interesting stuff, some of the articles I ran into where dealing with subjects I covered (a.k.a scratching the surface) myself at Red Planet Dust. If I could involve people with better knowledge on such topics I could better postulate my theory.

But the same is happening when I consider aspects of collaborability that relate to economics, politics, sociology, technology in al of its facets, network dynamics, our biological and neurological constitution, philosophy and so on. To be able to structurally involve others, especially persons able to contribute from specific (scientific) knowledge area’s, I need to write up the outlines of my ideas on collaborability. In chapter 3 of part 1 of “the bitcoin legacy and the crypto-currency promise” a high over description is available on which I can elaborate. This will be my first self-inflicted assignment! The second assignment is to go out and find people who want to collaborate on the work to unravel “collaborability” from multidisciplinary angles.

The coming weeks I have several opportunities to test and polish my ideas on collaborability, one with the science bureau of a political party in the Netherlands, the other is at the University of Twente where I will devote half of my time of my guest lecture at the Master course on IT in Finance on various topics on collaborability as part of my lecture on the future of payments.

I will break the recursive circle on “collaborability” by collaboration!