Nice read and reminder that we have other options then to follow the high finance narrative:

The siren call for many entrepreneurs isn’t money, it’s freedom. The freedom to chart your own path, the freedom to build what you want with the people you love. Taking money, building a board, and raising rounds takes away that freedom little by little. When you take venture money, you work for your investors, not yourself.

via Unicorns vs. Horses — Medium.

Update 12 March 2015

Along the same lines of “slow business”:

It’s what I once called the “SimCity” model of growing. I used to often play the game years ago. I would take two approaches. One was to use the “FUNDS” cheat to get all the money I needed to build everything at once. But in doing this, I often found my cities built that way didn’t thrive. Instead, naturally growing my city slowly over time allowed it to stablize and do well.

via After GigaOm, The Non-VC “SimCity” Approach To Growing A Media Business — Medium.