28 03, 2013

My Take on Strategy

2016-11-16T10:46:51+00:00March 28th, 2013|Categories: Strategy|Tags: |

Mitigating one of the deficiencies of a blog - no moderated overview is provided on subjects spanning several posts - the concept of a "Summary Post" is introduced. I will [...]

28 03, 2013

Internet is changing the Nature of Man

2016-11-16T10:46:51+00:00March 28th, 2013|Categories: Below the surface, Collaborability, Collaboration Mechanisms, Decision Making, Micro Collaboration, My take on humans|Tags: , , , , , |

In an earlier post I stated that we are changing due to the effects of placing our memory outside of our brains (aka “exomemory”) and suggested that is even taking [...]

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